Virtual Visits

It’s all too much. You just can’t. Not today.

You understand the importance of self-care; you know you need to get to your session.

But you feel you might be coming down with something, and all you want to do is go back to bed.

Or, you’re fine but concerned about COVID exposure – either for yourself or a loved one in your home.

And you’re so busy. It takes so much time.

You cringe at the commute time and the traffic. Just the thought of trying to get there makes your blood boil.

There’s not enough time to get back and forth during your lunch. Even if you could deal with the evening rush hour, you’ve got to pick up the kids.

Not to mention – you’re out of sick days, and your boss has had it with your asking to come in late or leave early.

Sometimes, getting there is physically – or emotionally – impossible.

Perhaps you’ve recently had surgery – your doctor hasn’t released you to drive, and you’re still experiencing pain and limited movement.

Or you’re caring for kids or someone else in the house, and you can’t find responsible and reliable sitters. They often show up late or cancel at the last minute, and you end up paying your fee for nothing.

Today, it may be more than you can do to get out of bed. Stress, anxiety, and depression can be crippling.

It could even be something else.

Perhaps you’re concerned about anonymity and don’t want anyone to see you coming and going from an office.

Maybe you’re a mess – you’re in sweats and have been working hard all day – no time to get dressed and ready for an office visit.

Or, it’s just a really, really, really bad hair day.

Or the meteorologist has just predicted unsafe driving conditions – flash floods, storms, snow, ice. The last place you want to be is en route to anywhere.


Whatever the reason, pause for just a moment.

Close your eyes. Breathe. And relax.

There’s another way!

You can take care of yourself and still keep your appointment – with a Virtual Visit!

Virtual Visits may be exactly what you need!

Virtual appointments are a safe and convenient way for us to meet, and we can do just about everything virtually that we would in the office in a traditional setting.

And just like that – problem solved!

Eliminate stress – no more worrying about getting here and home, finding caregivers, juggling work and home responsibilities, or navigating crazy drivers.

Save money on gasoline, caregivers, and cancellation fees. Save mileage and wear and tear on your vehicle. Save time! Precious time!

How does it work?

It’s very simple – even if you’re not a technology whiz. I use a secure, HIPAA-compliant system called SimplePractice.

If you have a computer, laptop, or tablet, you don’t even have to download anything! If you’re using a smartphone, you can go to your app store and download the app.

Just a few minutes before your scheduled appointment time, you’ll receive either an email or text appointment reminder featuring a unique link. When you’re ready, you click “Join Video Appointment,” and it will take you directly to your meeting.

That’s it!

When we schedule your first virtual session, the system will prompt you to complete a separate consent specifically for virtual appointments to cover how virtual visits differ from traditional, in-office sessions.

Is it really secure?

Yes. I’ll keep your information confidential as I’ll be in my office. However, be aware of your own surroundings.

Can you find a quiet setting with few or no distractions? Can you isolate yourself so others won’t hear what we’re discussing? If not, are you comfortable with someone else overhearing? These are just a few things to ask yourself.

On the technical side, do you have a strong connection to avoid dropped feeds or serious delays/lags in the video transmission?

If you’re not sure, we can do a brief “test” run. It takes only a few minutes and can help us stay focused on what really matters (YOU!), not technology issues.

How do you get started?

As with traditional scheduling, you may self-schedule through the client portal.

Be sure to click on “virtual office” for the available times.

If you don’t see a time that works for you, please call the office directly. I may be able to accommodate you.

Then, get comfy, grab a mug of your favorite beverage, and log in!

Don’t let anything keep you from getting the help you need. Schedule your Virtual Visit today!

Clients can access this service through the Portal.